Preliminary Project Proposal

Research Question + Statement

How does childhood trauma have long term impact on our daily interactions with the world?

I am studying the socio-psychological effects of childhood trauma because I want to find out how past trauma can affect an individual’s seemingly small, mundane interactions with the world.


Traumabots is a series of robots that explores how childhood trauma impacts even the smallest of daily interactions. This is not a project to advocate or even argue action for trauma victims, rather the goal of the project is explore how the effects of trauma appear in even the most mundane situations.




Community of Practice and Domains


Traumabots explores psychology and sociology through robots.


The community of practice for this project will primarily be psychologists and researchers who study the effects of PTSD and trauma. Artists who do interactive installations with robots or who focus on conveying darker themes are also in my community of practice.

Audience + Context

to be determined



1- Concept development

2- Robot Development (script + robot functionality + conceptual communication )

3- Materials Testing + Prototyping

4- User testing